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5 TIPS to grow a TARGETED AUDIENCE online!

Here are 5 tips to grow a “targeted audience” which means building an audience of people who are your ideal customers.👥

1. Get SPECIFIC in your content.📋

When we talk about specificity, it does not mean industry specific. Ofcourse, your content will be fitness related if you’re a fitness coach. But would your ideal client be just ANYONE who has a fitness goal? If yes, you haven’t mastered your craft just yet. There’s more to what you can get BEST AT within your field. Find that out & create MORE of that.

2. Be “SOCIAL” on social media.💁🏻‍♀️

This may seem hilarious, but a lot of the times we’re missing the point of social media!

It’s not about seeing who gets the maximum likes, we’re here in a network to CONNECT to like minded people. You cannot always expect people to find you, you also have to step out & get into the rooms you want to where your people are hanging out.

3. Give a shit about the people who follow you.🖤

Are you getting to know your people? Are you making sure that your content aligns with what your people want to know from you? Are you able to create a RELATIONSHIP with your followers that is more than just getting likes or shares?

4. Collaborate with coaches / influencers on the same level as you.🗣

Just like your fitness journey, there are different levels to your instagram & audience building journey.

Level 1 : Beginner / just started sharing the content that you like & sharing your own journey online. You maybe have a few hundred followers.

Level 2 : you find the kind of content that you’re passionate to share & you start getting more traction & followers. At this stage you might have more than a thousand followers.

Level 3 : you start being seen as an “expert” in the field by your followers & you start getting more shares & referrals to your profile.

The idea is to collaborate within your level to help each other grow together as you will have similar interests & audiences. You would be able to mutually benefit from the collaboration.

5. Give ALL your best knowledge away for free!🧠

If you share your best value, it will build more trust. They buy from you because they trust you with solving their problem.

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