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Looking to up level your business in 2022? Here are 5 things to consider!

If you're looking to grow your business, here are a few tools that can definitely help you go an extra mile!

  1. Solid Content Strategy - Newsflash! It’s not just about creating content consistently anymore.. in fact, you actually don’t need to post everyday in order to grow! But WHAT you post & HOW you post it matters way more than anything else. So, if you’re not really seeing the engagement on IG that you’d like, you probably need to re-work your content strategy!

  2. Quality Media - With the growing number of accounts on IG creating quality content, you cannot compromise on the quality of your pictures & videos to be able to get visibility & reach. The resolution of your pictures & videos is going to matter a lot more in 2022 - so it may be a good idea to invest in a new phone or camera!

  3. Mailing list - Although this has always been an important one, it’s only going to be even more important to ensure that you are uploading quality leads onto your mailing list. This will automatically increase your conversion rate & is also a safety net incase something happens to your Instagram account.

  4. Ad campaigns - With the rising difficulty of organic reach, it might be a good idea to invest in a few ads to get your account out there. Ofcourse, it need not be a CTA for your programs, but even just to get more follows.

  5. Branding - You might have been able to get by being generic until now, but it’s high time that you brand yourself/your business to reach your potential. This is a requirement for your ideal clients to be able to find you & also for you to stand out in your industry.

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